Google Assistant can wake you up with your favorite music as an alarm

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It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom.


How do you prefer to wake up? One of your speakers or smartphone’s stock alarm sounds? If none of these work for you, and you’re left snoozing the alarm endlessly to kick off each and every day, Google Assistant can help.

Waking up is hard to do…and waking up to a wailing alarm doesn’t always help to start your day off on the right foot. Luckily, the Google Assistant can help you wake up more peacefully. So the next time you need to set an alarm for an impromptu nap or that bird in the oven, you can be jerked back to awareness with something a bit more relaxing or entertaining or a particular song that really gets the day started. Wake up to music instead of that obnoxious beeping.

How to wake up to your favorite music using Google Assistant

All you have to do is say

  • Hey Google, set <artist or radio or music> media alarm for 5 AM Monday
  • Hey Google, set <radio station> radio alarm for 6 AM tomorrow
  • Hey Google, set <song or artist> music alarm for 7 AM Monday
  • Hey Google, set <song or artist> music alarm for 7 AM every day (for recurring media alarm)
  • Hey Google, set <genre> music alarm for 6 AM tomorrow

to the Assistant on Google Nest/Home speaker, and you can set an alarm and wake up to your favorite song, playlist or radio station.

This will work with whatever streaming service you have set up, like Spotify or YouTube Music. As you can probably guess from the first voice command, it’s not a specific song. Instead, you’re just picking an artist, which adds an element of surprise when the alarm goes off each morning.

If you do want to hear a certain track, all you need to do is create a one-song playlist and ask Google Assistant to use that as your alarm. Set up a group and ask the home to set an alarm for the group to hear the alarm on all Google Nest/Home devices.

You can turn off general or media alarms without saying, “Hey Google.” Just say, “Stop.” Available on Google Nest or Home speakers and displays in English-speaking countries.

Note: Alarms will sound for 10 minutes if not stopped or snoozed. If Google Home isn’t connected to Wi-Fi at the time of the media alarm, a general alarm will sound instead.

Google Assistant trick gives your phone a superpower over your morning routine

A Google Assistant trick on Android phones, can automatically turn on your bedroom lights, read out the weather and news, and even start brewing your morning coffee.

Routines in Google Assistant allow users to string together various Actions that are naturally invoked together over the course of a day. Useful for controlling smart home gadgets, these custom macros now integrate with Google Clock to invoke after an alarm is dismissed.

Stay updated on Google News with the latest updates from Google Home/Assistant ecosystem.

Start and end your day the right way

To help streamline your morning, use Assistant Routines in the Google Clock app for Android phones. So after dismissing your alarm (with the dismissal serving as an implicit sign that you’re ready to start the series of Actions), the Google Assistant can immediately start a routine, triggering multiple things – like telling you about the weather and traffic on your commute to work, turning on your coffee maker and lights, playing the news, and more. You can customize your routine right from the Clock app. This series of events, or one like it, is something you can customize through a menu item in Android’s clock app. From here, you can set up over a dozen different scenarios that kick into action the moment you dismiss your alarm.

When setting an alarm in the Google Clock app, there is an option to add a Google Assistant Routine. Available Actions include getting the weather, commute alerts, finding your next appointment, and more. Users can also control smart devices like turning on lights to set the mood or adjusting the thermostat. For example, you can program Google Assistant to report on your commute as you struggle out of bed, and turn up the temperature. You can also ask it to play a podcast when you first wake, or perhaps some music. Lastly, you can have the Routine end by playing news, audiobooks.

Google Assistant supports verbally enabling Do Not Disturb on your phone.

When it’s time to settle in for the night, you can ask the Google Assistant to switch your devices to DND (do not disturb) mode with a single command. You can say things like, “Hey Google, silence my phone.” This will work from any Google Nest/Home device or Smart Display where Voice Match recognition is enabled. Aimed as a simple way of getting ready for bed.

Train yourself to get up early from bed

  • Practice getting up as soon as your alarm goes off. Just practice. Do it during the day (not in the morning) when you’re wide awake.
    Set your bedroom conditions to match your desired wake-up time as best you can. Darken the room, or practice in the evening just after sunset, so it’s already dark. If you sleep in pajamas & brush your teeth before bed or take off your glasses when you sleep, then do all these things.
  • Set one bedside alarm for 06:00 – and also set your phone to ring at 06:05, but put the phone on the other side of the room so that you have to get out of bed to stop it ringing…. What happens is this: either you wake up & cancel the alarm, or you get up & answer the call to stop it ringing. First, we’re strongly programmed to answer the phone. Second, we are also very strongly programmed not to wake other people around us! A ringing phone will do this, so you’ve powerful motivators at work: guilt & fear.
  • Go to bed only when you’re so exhausted, that you’ll be sleeping within 5 minutes.
  • Sleep early. Using your natural body timer to wake yourself is probably the best natural alarm clock to have. When bed is positioned in such a way that the early morning sunlight shines right in your face, then you are bound to get up anyway. Training yourself to get your sleep pattern in sync with your body clock is probably the most challenging task.
  • Discipline: Wake up at exactly the same time seven days a week, will create a habit.
  • Use the same dual-alarm technique with cell phone, but a word of caution to those who customize their phone’s ringtone. Make sure the ringtone is either really annoying or really motivational. If the ringtone is a song that you like but does nothing to motivate you to get out of bed & ready to conquer the day, then you’ll just end up laying there listening to a song you like, and then falling back to sleep.
  • Set up the coffee pot the night before so that it starts up automatically about 30 minutes before your alarm clock. Then put a big old clank-in bell alarm clock, preferably in the other room, next to the coffee pot, so you’ve to get up to turn it off. Then just get up, turn off the alarm clock, and pour yourself a cup.
  • You must not ever get back in bed after getting up to shut your alarm off. Don’t even sit back down on the bed! (Tying shoes standing up is said to be good exercise) A cold, non-carpeted floor on bare feet helps, too!
  • Stick a month calendar on the mirror in the bathroom or the fridge & note down your progress. To change, you have to measure; to improve, you have to keep a log.
  • Use a health band alarm, which isn’t as blaring as some stand-alone alarm clocks & doesn’t scare the hell out of you & your partner when it goes off. You will find the intermittent vibration on your wrist a more gentle way to wake up.
  • If it’s an issue of repetition, when you’ve heard a specific alarm clock’s sound two or three times, your body has entirely adjusted to it & no longer wakes up to its sound. For these guys, having a media alarm on Nest devices may help. Set it to play an artist, so it plays a different song every day to keep it fresh.

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Gain more quality time & be more productive. Early morning is excellent uninterrupted time to meditate, review long-term objectives, plan your day, & get lots of things done before other people come in & start interrupting.
There is a high correlation between waking up early & being productive.

Sleep well. 🙂

Things you can do from here:

10 thoughts on “Google Assistant can wake you up with your favorite music as an alarm

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  1. I really liked that suggestion of yours, to place the alarm in a different room, so we’re forced to get up from bed.


  2. I agree with christy who agrees with Jessica who agrees with Brittney, this is a really good web site, it tells you how to wake up early and it also shows how to motivate yourself to do so to.


  3. I’ve read and tried so many tips from other sites so far, but none worked for me.
    But, two of your tips worked great. Thanks a lot.


  4. Hello, to start with, I want to say that I tried to follow what you’ve posted, and it worked for me perfectly.
    Great post, I entirely agree with you.
    Have a good day, mate.


  5. Really nice coincidence, I just used this media alarm feature and wanted to find the experience of other users, and landed on your site, and you summarized it so well by sharing other commands and tricks as well.
    Thank you Deepak.


  6. I agree with Jessica who agrees with Brittney, this is a really good web site, it tells you how to wake up early and it also shows how to motivate yourself to do so to.


  7. Can this still work for me? Because ever since I was a kid I have never heard the alarm clock! I have always been woke up by some one. Still to this day I can’t hear the alarm! I will be starting aschool in 2 weeks and I am very worried that I will not make it on time. My husband still has to call to make sure that I get up to take our kids to school, thats unless I stay up all night long. I do that @ least 2 or 3 times a week, and I am getting very tired of doing this!




  8. I argee with Brittney i think this is a really good web site, it tells you how to wake up early and it also shows ho to motivate yourself to do so to.


  9. I think that this is a really good web site, it tells you how to wake up early and it also shows how to motivate yourself to do so to.


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